Stampin' Up! Catalogs

Click images below to download the latest catalogs.

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Complimentary Catalogs for My Customers

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I would love to be your Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator and send you a complimentary copy of the current catalogs.

To receive your copy, simply PLACE AN ORDER of $50+ (before tax & shipping).  After placing the order, watch for an eamil from me to request a catalog. 

When new catalogs are released, I email my VIP customers who qualify for a complimentary copy.  You must fill out the form.  Refer to the schedule below to see how to qualify. 

  • Order $50+ during Nov – Feb, qualify for the next ANNUAL CATALOG (watch for an email in March to request you complimentary copy)

  • Order $50+ during Mar – Jun, qualify for the FALL MINI CATALOG (watch for an email in July to request your complimentary copy)

  • Order $50+ during Jul – Oct, qualify for the SPRING MINI CATALOG (watch for an email in November to request your complimentary copy)

NOTE:  If you did not qualify or forgot to respond to the email per the schedule above, just place a $50 order and then let me know you want a catalog and I’m happy to send you one!