How to Apply the Host Code

Sign into your online shopping account:
- Add the items you want to the shopping cart
- Go to your cart (click on VIEW CART or the little shopping bag at the top)
- Make sure it says you are shopping with JULI BACA
- Click the ADD HOST CODE button (left picture)
- Enter the current host code in the box as shown, click APPLY
- Continue to check out
- PLEASE NOTE: If your order is over $150 (before ship/tax), DO NOT use the Host Code so that you can get Stampin’ Rewards from Stampin’ Up! AND my rewards will still apply.
- See photos below if needed:


Don’t have an account? Follow these steps:
- Add the items you want to the shopping cart
- Click the “+” to add HOST CODE
- Enter the current host code in the box as shown, click APPLY
- After entering the HOST CODE, make sure it says you are shopping with me!
- Click on CHECK OUT
- You will be asked to SIGN IN or CREATE AN ACCOUNT. Important: if you select to check out AS A GUEST, I will not be notified of your order and will not be able to properly thank you.
- See photos below if needed:

