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DIY Advent Calendar for Dogs, Cats or Kids!

Don’t you love how excited your pet gets when you give them a treat!  I created this pet advent calendar to celebrate the holidays, so you can both enjoy it!!!  They are designed perfectly to fit 2 small Milkbones, but you could fill them with cat treats or even candies for your kiddos!  Watch how simple they are to make in my video.  

Measurements & Supplies

Cutting & Scoring Measurements:

Box Designer Series Paper: 6” x 3” per box

  • scored on the long side at 2”, 3”, 5”
  • score on the short side at 1” & 2”

Stamped Layer (Basic White): 1” wide by however long you need to stamp your numbers

Ribbon Cover: Designer Series Paper scraps punch with Best Label punch

Ribbon: 1 ½” per box


Note: Save 10% when you buy the stamp & punch bundle.  Click here to see if it is still available at that price.  

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So Pretty!!!

You can use this design with any thick patterned paper you have!

Display them on your mantel, wreath or anywhere you want to add a festive touch to your home.

Make Your Pet Happy!

And like pets always do, when they are happy, it is sure to bring a smile to your face, as well!

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This is my dog Boo, who ate way too many dog treats when I was trying to get his photo for this project!

Love the Details!

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Your pet won’t notice the details, but you will enjoy them!  Double sided paper makes the inside pretty!  Cover up the edges of the ribbon with a scrap of paper punched out with the Best Label punch we use in the stamping.  

Designed to Fit 2 Small Milkbones

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I used the Alphabest Bundle to create the numbers for the advent calendar.  When you buy it as a bundle, you save 10%!  Click here to see if the bundle price is still available.  

Happy Crafting!

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I just had to post one more photo of Boo.  Look at the restraint in his eyes as he was waiting for me to tell him he could eat those treats by his feet!  He cracks me up!!!

Important Stuff!

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